
Update on Shows


Thanks to all of you who were able to make it out this past weekend! The support has been phenominal and we are so greatful for it all!

As for the shows, we have decided to slow them down.
We decided this for several reasons:

1. We are preparing for craft fairs, gem shows, and other such shows.
2. We want to allow you to be able to make an appointment to swing by on your own time.
3. We also want Brity Designs support group, you, to have the chance to share Brity Designs.

We are allowing others to host Brity Designs Shows in their own area and home! This will allow Brity Designs to enter new markets and meet new people.
This will also allow it to be easier for some who have been traveling 30 min. to have it literally at their doorstep.
If you are interested in this or any pieces you see posted, please contact BrittanyYkema@gmail.com

In the mean time, don't stop sharing Brity Designs with your family and friends.

Ordering can still take place, and pictures of new pieces will still be posted.

There will be a lot of good changes happening, and the changes are going to take a lot of work. The end result will be exciting!

I hope you all will continue to be a part of this as we adapt, grow, and challenge ourselves.

We look forward to meeting and knowing you more!

Thanks for the support!

Brity Designs

P.S. We will continue to inform you of any shows and the area they will be in!

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